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Obama to seek climate deal in Moscow

"After success with China, US targets Russia in strategy to reach separate agreements with world's biggest polluters"

Category: Climate Change


Climate change is shrinking sheep

"Climate change is causing a breed of wild sheep in Scotland to shrink, according to research. Scientists say milder winters help smaller sheep to survive, resulting in this "paradoxical decrease in size". "

Category: Climate Change


Turkey plans to restart work on controversial dam project

"Turkey today announced plans to resume a controversial £1bn dam project in the face of environmental protests that it would displace thousands of people, destroy habitats and drown priceless archaeological treasures."

Category: Energy sources


Wind 'can revolutionise UK power'

"Research from analysts Poyry says that the UK can massively expand wind power by 2030 without suffering power cuts or a melt-down of the National Grid."

Category: Energy sources


A devastating critique of EPA science? More like cherry picking and astrology

"A draft of the 'suppressed' document that has been making waves on the blogosphere has been released. Let's take a look."

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 1131 to 1135 out of 2977